Tokyu Hands File Folder Workshop!

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After such a fun workshop at Tokyu Hands last month we have decided to host another one!

Let's make a little file folder together at Tokyu Hands Shinjuku on 18th May!

There are three workshop times, the first one has sold out, but reserve your spot in the other two workshops now. If you can't speak Japanese, I can reserve your spot for you! Simply email me at hellosandwichblog (at) gmail (dot) com and I will save a special space for you. 

Tokyu Hands Shinjuku
8th Floor
18th May
2pm - 3pm or 4pm - 5pm
Only ¥600!

東急ハンズ新宿店 追加のワークショップ開催決定!



定員1回 6名

5月3日 10時より予約受付開始です!


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Love Love
Hello Sandwich

Handmade Fabric Book Cover Workshop





Hello Sandwiches!

I hope you had a lovely weekend!

If you're in Tokyo on March 5th I hope you can come along to my Handmade Fabric Book Cover Workshop at Shibaura House.

Here are the details from the Shibaura House website:

Hello Sandwichさんによるワークショップ。季節に応じたテーマでかわいいものをつくります。第5回は、ファブリックブックカバーです。

今回のワークショップでは、布製のブックカバーを手縫いで作ります。好きな本を持ってきて、そのサイズに合わせてフェルトの裏地付きのカバーを作りましょう。持ってきていただくのは、小説でもノートでもかまいません。もしも小さなノートカバーを作ったら、いつでもハンドバッグに入れて持ち運べますね。もちろんデコレーションも忘れずに。ボタンやリボン、トリム、ポンポンなど、さまざまな素材を用意しますので、心ゆくまで楽しみましょう。このクラスで学んだ知識があれば、おうちに帰って違う本のカバーをつくることも、お友だちにプレゼントすることもできます。フォトアルバムのカバーだって作れます。SHIBAURA HOUSEで開催する、今年初めてのワークショップです。皆さんに会えるのを楽しみにしています! -ハロー・サンドイッチ。

In this workshop you will make your very own hand stitched fabric book cover to fit any size book of your choice. Please bring along the book you would like to cover and you will learn how to make a felt lined book cover to your custom size. The book could be a novel or a simple notebook. If you would like to make a cute mini size notebook cover you could carry it in your handbag at all times. After we make the book cover base, you can enjoy decorating your book cover with assorted buttons, ribbons, trims and pompoms till’ your hearts contend. Using the skills and techniques learnt in this class you can continue to make covers for other books at your home. Wouldn’t it also be cute to make a cute cover for your friend! You could even cover a mini photo album with these handmade book covers.

Handmade Fabric Book Cover Workshop
Monday 5th March
19:00 - 21:00
Shibaura House 東京都港区芝浦3-15-4
Reservations online here or send me an email to hellosandwichblog (at) gmail (dot com)

DATE 03.05(MON)
TIME 7pm-9pm
FEE ¥2,000(要予約)内訳:¥1,500(講習費)+¥500(材料費)
CAPACITY 20 people (空席あり)
東京都港区芝浦3-15-4 (地図)

We hope we can have fun making craft together with you at the first Hello Sandwich x Shibaura House workshop for 2012!

Love Love
Hello Sandwich

コラージュ弁当包み & 弁当 BOX (Collage Bento Wrap + Bento Box) Workshop


It's time for the first Hello Sandwich Craft Workshop for 2012!

We'll be making collage bento wraps and a collage cardboard bento box on 11th February at Kusakanmuri. We will have some boy-ish fabric patches available in case you would like to make a cute bento box wrap for a special boy in your life for Valentines Day. Wouldn't that be a sweet Valentines Day present?

Fun & Cute Craft


2/11(土)のレッスンでは、「コラージュ弁当包み & 弁当BOX」を作ります。男性向けの布地を選んでコラージュすれば、バレンタインへのプレゼントにもぴったりです!

11th February
11:00 - 12:30

To reserve your spot, book online here. Or you can email me at hellosandwichblog (at) gmail (dotcom)

Love Love
Hello Sandwich

Oz Magazine (Zakka Special)



The new issue of Oz magazine is a zakka special! It's filled with cute zakka shops to visit in Tokyo and some DIY craft ideas. You can have a sneak peek of the issue here.

And I'm so excited because Hello Sandwich Craft Workshops at Shibaura House are mentioned in the issue too!

I hope you can come to some Tokyo workshops this year. The first Hello Sandwich workshop for 2012 is February 11th at Kusakanmuri and other upcoming workshop dates for both locations are:

26th Feb
5th March
10th March
24th March

If you're in Tokyo I hope you might be able to come along! Details to follow.

Love Love
Hello Sandwich

Fun + Cute Craft Workshop Dec 17th


Hello Sandwiches,

I hope you can come along to the last Hello Sandwich workshop for 2011! We are going to make a cute Pocket Envelope Folder!

Fun & Cute Craft 折りたたみ式のレターホルダー


Saturday 17th December 2011
17:00 - 18:30

Reservations via the website or you can email me at hellosandwichblog (at) gmail (dot) com

東京都渋谷区 恵比寿西1-17-2
Map here
See more details here.

Kusakanmuri is a new shop opened by Japanese publishers BNN. It's a florist, but with an amazing twist. You get to make your own bunch by yourself after picking the beautiful flowers from each bucket yourself! There is a giant timber table and you can enjoy arranging and wrapping your flowers all by yourself. Ofcourse if you would prefer for someone to make the flowers for you, you can! They also have a florist school and a gorgeous zakka shop upstairs! If you're in Ebisu be sure to pop in!

Commune Gallery Nengajo Making Workshop


Hello Sandwiches.

Have you sent your Christmas or New Years Cards yet? I still haven't sent mine :( but we did have a lovely time making some cards together at the Hello Sandwich Nengajo Making workshop at Commune Gallery this week. We did lots of hand stamping and used collage papers, mt tape and markers to decorate our cards.



Boys come to Hello Sandwich Workshops too!



Craft + Beer!


Boco-chan's cute Nengajo.


Thanks Hello Sandwich for the antibacterial wipes.





Ryan-san and Kenji-san hard at work.


Nengajo mini exhibition.


If you haven't been to commune gallery, it's worth popping in. They have some great exhibitions and also sell some cute zakka items and zines. Also, Miyuki-chan who is the owner speaks perfect English and is so lovely, so please say hello to her if you visit!

I hope you have a lovely weekend Sandwiches.
It's bonenkai season in Japan at the moment which is super fun.

Love Love
Hello Sandwich