Handmade Fabric Book Cover Workshop





Hello Sandwiches!

I hope you had a lovely weekend!

If you're in Tokyo on March 5th I hope you can come along to my Handmade Fabric Book Cover Workshop at Shibaura House.

Here are the details from the Shibaura House website:

Hello Sandwichさんによるワークショップ。季節に応じたテーマでかわいいものをつくります。第5回は、ファブリックブックカバーです。

今回のワークショップでは、布製のブックカバーを手縫いで作ります。好きな本を持ってきて、そのサイズに合わせてフェルトの裏地付きのカバーを作りましょう。持ってきていただくのは、小説でもノートでもかまいません。もしも小さなノートカバーを作ったら、いつでもハンドバッグに入れて持ち運べますね。もちろんデコレーションも忘れずに。ボタンやリボン、トリム、ポンポンなど、さまざまな素材を用意しますので、心ゆくまで楽しみましょう。このクラスで学んだ知識があれば、おうちに帰って違う本のカバーをつくることも、お友だちにプレゼントすることもできます。フォトアルバムのカバーだって作れます。SHIBAURA HOUSEで開催する、今年初めてのワークショップです。皆さんに会えるのを楽しみにしています! -ハロー・サンドイッチ。

In this workshop you will make your very own hand stitched fabric book cover to fit any size book of your choice. Please bring along the book you would like to cover and you will learn how to make a felt lined book cover to your custom size. The book could be a novel or a simple notebook. If you would like to make a cute mini size notebook cover you could carry it in your handbag at all times. After we make the book cover base, you can enjoy decorating your book cover with assorted buttons, ribbons, trims and pompoms till’ your hearts contend. Using the skills and techniques learnt in this class you can continue to make covers for other books at your home. Wouldn’t it also be cute to make a cute cover for your friend! You could even cover a mini photo album with these handmade book covers.

Handmade Fabric Book Cover Workshop
Monday 5th March
19:00 - 21:00
Shibaura House 東京都港区芝浦3-15-4
Reservations online here or send me an email to hellosandwichblog (at) gmail (dot com)

DATE 03.05(MON)
TIME 7pm-9pm
FEE ¥2,000(要予約)内訳:¥1,500(講習費)+¥500(材料費)
CAPACITY 20 people (空席あり)
東京都港区芝浦3-15-4 (地図)
お申し込みはウェブサイトからお願いします www.shibaurahouse.jp

We hope we can have fun making craft together with you at the first Hello Sandwich x Shibaura House workshop for 2012!

Love Love
Hello Sandwich

Hello Sandwich Shibaura House Regular Tokyo Craft Workshops!



Hello Sandwiches!

I have some exciting news!
I will be hosting Regular Tokyo Craft Workshops starting from this month!!!


Some of the workshops in the line up include tote bags, creative stationery, collage patchwork luncheon mats, and so many more cute crafty things! The first workshop will be pretty Tanabata decorations (in time for Tanabata festival on July 7th) inspired by traditional Polish Paper Decorations.

I will be hosting the workshops at the amazing new Shibaura House designed by SANAA architects. (Do you remember this post ;)

The brand new building has only just been completed.




My first workshop at Shibaura House will be next week.

Hello Sandwich Polish Style Tanabata Decoration
June 23rd
6:30 - 8:30pm
Shibaura House




To make a reservation to attend please email me at hellosandwichblog@gmail.com

I hope you can come! It's going to be so much fun!

Love Love
Hello Sandwich

Tokyo Textiles


It's so super hot here in Tokyo that an essential handbag must-have is a cut little handkerchief. You're not truly Japanese until you daintily pull out one of these from your Marc Jacobs handbag to pat your cheeks dry every now and then. Extra Japanese bonus points for drying your hands with them after a visit to a LoFT bathroom. I'm still yet to master the dainty Japanese style, but I do my best to stock up on cute new handkerchiefs every now and then. I bought these Vivienne Westwood ones from Kichijoji OI yesterday.
Aren't the textile prints pretty?

Speaking of textiles...I've become a little obsessed with fabric shopping of late. Last week I took two trips out to Nippori fabric town stopping at a few fabric shops in Shinjuku on the way. If you like fabrics you won't want to miss a trip out to Nippori. Before you visit, download the English map here. Tomato is my favourite Nippori fabric shop and they have quite a few branches there (one of which even has an entire floor filled with fabric costing just ¥100 per metre!) Oh My Goodness the fabric in Japan is amazing. They even have liberty floral print bias binding! And look at these oil cloth table cloths I picked up!



Naturally I've decided to take up sewing clothes for myself again and bought a little lemon floral sewing machine online last night. I think my first project will be to sew a cap-sleeve t-shirt from NaniIRO's mizutama fabric!


If you like craft and creating handmade things, it's dangerous to go shopping in Tokyo! It took all of my will to walk out of Tokyu hands without an enitre bookbinding kit the other day! I'd happily stay inside making craft everyday here in Tokyo...if only there wasn't so many other fabulous things to go and see.


When I'm not dreaming of craft activities I've been enjoying things like:

* Hearing things like 'calorie half' and 'price down' in my local supermarket.

* Drinking home made iced-lattes from ¥189 carton of iced coffee.

* Buying a weekly bunch of flowers in pretty pre-mixed bouquets. Think carnations, babies breath and daisies!

* Riding my mamachari to Setagaya-koen and drinking iced-tea.

* Giving presentations (in Japanese eeep) about my favourite Japanese artist Hiroshi Sugito to my Nihongo private sensei.

* Working on VOGUE Living layouts from my mini-me apartment.

* Going on searches in Harajuku for mexican food with my dear friend Gracie.

* Buying strange vegetables in the supermarket and needing to google recipes to cook them with.

* Exploring new to me areas like Asagaya with Hiki-chan.

* Wondering around Sangenjaya and Kichijoji taking photos of patterns.

Happy Friday Sandwiches! Hope you have a lovely creative weekend!

Love Love
Hello Sando