コラージュ弁当包み & 弁当 BOX (Collage Bento Wrap + Bento Box) Workshop
It's time for the first Hello Sandwich Craft Workshop for 2012!
We'll be making collage bento wraps and a collage cardboard bento box on 11th February at Kusakanmuri. We will have some boy-ish fabric patches available in case you would like to make a cute bento box wrap for a special boy in your life for Valentines Day. Wouldn't that be a sweet Valentines Day present?
Fun & Cute Craft
2/11(土)のレッスンでは、「コラージュ弁当包み & 弁当BOX」を作ります。男性向けの布地を選んでコラージュすれば、バレンタインへのプレゼントにもぴったりです!
11th February
11:00 - 12:30
To reserve your spot, book online here. Or you can email me at hellosandwichblog (at) gmail (dotcom)
Love Love
Hello Sandwich