Hello Sandwich Stockists
Hello Sandwiches!
I am sure you all know and love Supermarket Sarah and her amazeballs wall installations (above). And I'm so thrilled to announce that the Hello Sandwich Gift Wrapping Zine is now stocked in the Supermarket Sarah shop at SELFRIDGES! Wa!
I'm just about to send my second order through to Sarah so if you're in London and you'd like a zine, pop in Selfridges to check in a week or so!
Supermarket Sarah at Selfridges picture thank you very much Alex Loves.
In other exciting news, the lovely Kyoto bookstore Keibunsha are also stocking the Hello Sandwich Gift Wrapping Zine!
Thank you Keibunsha for writing this lovely review here:
東京を拠点に活動するオーストラリア人デザイナー/アーティストであるEBONY BIZYS。彼女のブログ、”HELLO SANDWICH”ではストレンジャーの視点から発見した東京の日常、そしてクリエイティブにまつわるささやかな情報が満載。本書は、そんな彼女が日本で 見つけた素材を利用したキュートなギフトラッピング法を披露したリトルプレス。テキストは英語ですが、図版入りでとても易しい内容。日本の素材を彼女の目 でミックスすれば、こんなにかわいらしいプレゼントのできあがあり。EBONY BIZYSのブログはこちら(http://hellosandwich.blogspot.com/)
And beautiful Nagoya bookshop On Reading will also stock my zine from next week!
Melbourne and Sydney-siders you can have a flick through the Hello Sandwich Gift Wrapping Zine at Mag Nation!
Or Melbourne folk can also pop into Third Drawer Down and have a flick through my zine!
The Hello Sandwich Gift Wrapping Zine is also stocked at:
Little Paper Lane
Perimeter Books
Newspaper Taxi
Little Shop of Handmade
Blackbird Corner
Little Jane Street
Sweets Workshop
Happy Boutique
Gosto - Design & Lifestyle
Thank you so much to all of my lovely stockists!
Love Love
Hello Sandwich