Hello Sandwich at D ♥ Y
Sandwiches, do you remember the D ♥ Y event which I (perhaps a little too enthusiastically) wrote about here and here? Well, all of my dreams have come true and the other day I was in Utrecht bookstore and the lovely Hiroshi Eguchi asked if I would like to do a craft workshop at D ♥ Y!
The next D ♥ Y will be held on the 5th and 6th February at Claska. I hope you can pop along and get involved in some of the creative workshops and stop by the Hello Sandwich booth to say Hello. The last D ♥ Y was one of the most creative, inspiring days I've ever had in Tokyo, so I promise you, if you are the creative type, you won't want to miss it. And even if you're not the creative type, you should still come - the food, coffee and hot wine were not to be missed.
4bonjour's Parties / affice / Community Design Council / deno Trattoria / FabLab Japan / food + things / gm projects / Hello Sandwich / HIMAA / KIGENZEN / kiokuh / Life Spread / mammoth school / Merce Death / NEWPORT / Productive Mind / Ribbonesia / Satoko Sai + Tomoko Kurahara / skunkin' mau / sparrows / SPREAD / this and that / Whatever Press / 秋山伸 / 安藤じゅん子 / いとう食堂 / 大原大次郎 / 華雪 / 珈琲暴走連合 / 台形(中村圭佑 / 谷本大輔) / 高い山 / タナカカツキ + 池田晶紀 / 力石咲 / テクノ手芸部 / 『デザインのひきだし』+『紙のひきだし』 / トム・ヴィンセント / トモタケ / 名久井直子 / 南風食堂 / (株)花宇 / フラクタス / 毛利嘉孝 /
and more...
2011年2月5日(土)6日(日)(雨天決行)/ 午前11時~午後7時
CLASKA 8F "The 8th Gallery"+屋上
〒152-0001 東京都目黒区中央町1-3-18
Below is my bio from the D ♥ Y website (which by the way is super cute - you should pop over - loads of cute pics to inspire you to come and visit!)
東京在住のオーストラリア人グラフィック・デザイナー、芸術家、創芸家、ジン作家。豪州立NSW大学COFA修士号。数々の個展・グループ展に参加し、2007年COFA Tim Olsen賞で最優秀賞受賞。母国ではヴォーグ誌関連で11年間の経験を経て、直近ではヴォーグ・リヴィングの副アート・ダイレクターを勤める。現在は東京を拠点にフリーランス・デザイナーを傍ら自身のジン制作などを中心に、お気に入りのティファニー・ブルーのママチャリでデジカメ片手に都内を疾走している。エボニーはアートに活き、クラフトやデザインを主に東京で活動し、日本で感じる芸術を日々呼吸で感じ、自身の運営するハローサンドウィッチ・ブログではそれら全てを見事に反映している。2010年12月には自署二冊目となる「ハロー・サンドウィッチ・ギフト・ラッピング」をリリース。
Ebony Bizys is an Australian graphic designer, artist, crafter and zine maker currently living in Tokyo. Before moving to Tokyo, Bizys worked at VOGUE magazines for 11 years, most recently in the position of Deputy Art Director for VOGUE Living magazine. Now days, Bizys spends her days freelance designing, making zines, learning Japanese, and riding her cute tiffany blue mamachari bike around Tokyo taking photos. Bizys studied her Masters of Fine Arts (Painting and Drawing) at The University Of New South Wales, Australia, and has had numerous solo and group art exhibitions. Recently Bizys has commenced 'Hello Sandwich Craft TV' how-to-videos and has hosted International craft workshops via Skype. Bizys lives and breathes art, craft and design in Tokyo and she shares her love of all things Japanese on her blog Hello Sandwich. Bizys also recently released her second zine ‘Hello Sandwich Gift Wrapping’.
I will also be bringing along a few of my new Gift Wrapping zines (printed by the amazing Surutokoro) so if you'd like to see them please pop over to the Sandwich booth!
Well, I'm off to make some cute craft packs for the workshop!
Love Love
Hello Sandwich