Hello Sandwich in Inside Out Magazine
Remember those lovely folk at Inside Out magazine? There's: Lee Tran Lam, Grace Lee and Vanessa Colyer Tay, just to name a few gorgeous editorial team members! Well, they were lovely enough to include me in their latest issue (which goes on sale today) in the mix of some delightful craft blogs! Nawwww they are so sweet! Thank you lovely ladies!
It was so lovely to be up there listed alongside friendly bloggers...Love you Big's Kate who sent me the most delightful craft pack giveaway, sweet pea Angela from Three Buttons who I fell in love with and posted about here, and Pia Jane Bijerk who was kind enough to support my eco pledge for World Environment Day here. And I hear Pretty Little Pins is divine too! Not to mention super talented! Be sure to check out these gorgeous blogs in your tea break today!
And thank you Inside Out! You made my day!
Happy Wednesday lovelies.
Love Love
Hello Sandwich