Tokyu Hands Workshop!

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Goodness! I never thought I'd see my name on the Tokyu Hands website! Favourite. Shop. Ever.

I'm hosting workshops on the 8th floor of the Shinjuku store on Tuesday 29th April. The first workshop has sold out but there are still a few spots in the other workshops, so please reserve a spot if you'd like to come along. I'd love to see you there!

If you aren't confident in Japanese, just send me an email (address on the right hand side of this blog) and I'll reserve your spot for you :)

Martha Stewart Craftsのパンチなどを使いカードを作ります。 講師:ハローサンドイッチさん
  • 開催期間
  • : 4月29日(火・祝)12:00~18:30
  • 参加費・条件
  • : 600円+税
  • 所要時間
  • : 約90分
  • 定員
  • : 1回6名(1日18名)
  • 開催場所
  • : 8F
  • 受付場所
  • : 8F

P.S. Thank you so much to everyone who came to the Japan Hobby Show workshop! On Saturday the workshops sold out within 5 minutes of opening! You guys are the best!

Love Love
Hello Sandwich