Hello Sandwich Exhibition at Commune Gallery
Hello Sandwiches!
Only two more days before my exhibition at Commune Gallery closes. Please pop in if you're in the area, or if not, here are a few pics.
Some little Hello Sandwich paper packs are on sale at the gallery.
Hello Sandwich books on display.
Love you guys! You say the sweetest things.
Mini-me Sara-chan in the gallery.
The best friends ever. I mean, handmade cookies? You're the best Matt!
It will be a little sad tomorrow night when it's time to pack up the show. Hope you can see it before then.
Thank you Sophie et Chocolat, Fragola and Mammoth School for these kind reviews of the exhibition.
Sophie et Chocolat exhibition review here.
Fragola exhibition review here.
Mammoth School review here.
Love Love
Hello Sandwich