Lately in Tokyo - September and October, 2013
Crafting away for Martha Stewart Crafts Japan.
There's a little Hello Sandwich x Martha Stewart Crafts Japan display at Entre Square store in the AO building in Aoyama. Please check it out if you have time.
My friend's exhibition at No. 12 Gallery in Komaba.
Delicious obento at the Tokyo Art Book Fair.
The Hello Sandwich booth at the Tokyo Art Book Fair.
As usual, I was up the night before printing and stapling my new zine together. This one I made with a friend. We stayed up for 24 hours and took one photo an hour to a set theme.
James explains our new zine:
Sometimes drifting through time’s gentle currents and eddies you’re able to watch, as if moving past motorised dioramas in a papier mâché cave, life actually happening. The collective construction of the present. Minuscule moments of habit. We wanted to mark with a keen eye the details of one day as it’s assembled. For twenty four hours, these were our lives as we lived them.
I also made a few craft collage kits to sell at the Tokyo Art Book Fair.
Pompom socks!
Soooo cute!
Multi coloured manicures and handmade skirts.
'Intense pegging' (as referenced by one of my instagram followers) after losing my $50 polka dot Castle and Things pillow case.
Sophie et chocolat. Cuties.
Meetings at Sophie et chocolat's super cute studio.
Outgoing mail.
How great is this embossed stamp punch!
The closing party for Violet and Claire before it moves shop to Kyoto.
These days my meetings look like this.
Invite some friends around for homemade onigiri.
Trying to be healthy.
Rooftop obento lunch breaks at work.
I really just wanted ramen.
There has been some crazy beautiful action in the sky lately. A rainbow over Shibuya.
From my balcony.
Watercolour sky from my balcony.
So fun to be a workshop participant for a change!
The WORLDS BEST stamping station in Tachikawa!
Sunsets in Ginza.
Camera shopping and stationery shopping with friends in Ginza.
Hope you're having a lovely start to the week Sandwiches!
Love Love
Hello Sandwich