Post for Boco-chan
I've been sending some letters to friends lately and this is one that went out to Boco-chan, the photographer of my Japanese craft book. Being the brilliant photographer and life-documenting star that she is, Boco-chan took these lovely photos as she opened the letter.
(ありがとうBoco-chan for letting me post your images!)
I used my perforation tool on Boco-chans envelope creating a little edge which she could tear open. I'm relieved it worked!
Boco-chan collects many tickets and stamps from around the world and when I told this to my dad and Aunty Nin they started collecting tickets for her too!
I also included a little handmade zine in Boco-chans package.
Have you seen this lovely letter exhibition? or this pretty collection of letters? (Lisa also told me there is a cafe in Ghent where all things on the menu are named after a blog and there is a 'Hello Sandwich'!!! I am soooo curious to try a Hello Sandwich! ) You can also check my stationery album where I pin lovely handwritten letters.
Happy letter writing Sandwiches!
Love Love
Hello Sandwich