Scrapbooking Techniques Workshop!
Handmade Scrapbook + Scrapbooking Techniques Workshop!
* Learn how to make your own scrap book from scratch using brown paper, a cover, mt tape, staple bound and bookbinding tape!
* Learn how to create original labels to use in the scrapbook pages and cover. I will bring all of my stamps to the workshop so that we can all use them. Let's create own own original labels which we can colour photocopy and use as many times as we like!
* I would like to demonstrate some scrap booking mini pocket making techniques such as using an old envelope to trim it and stick it into a scrapbook as a little cute pocket. Let's discover ways that household items and everyday paper items can be used in our scrapbooks by turning them into something cute!
Saturday 10th March
11:00 - 12:30
キュートで女の子らしいスタイルで、身近なものを手作りするHello Sandwichのクラフトレッスン。3/10(土)は、オリジナルのスクラップブックの作り方を教えます。マスキングテープ、ラベル、ハンコを使ったデコレーションの仕方や、古い封筒など、身近な紙で作るミニポケットの作り方は、1度覚えてしまえばさまざまなシーンで応用可能です。Hello Sandwichオリジナルのラベルもご用意してお待ちしております!
More details here.
I hope you can come Sandwiches!
Love Love
Hello Sandwich