Stamp Obsession!
Sandwiches! Lately I have such an obsession with rubber stamps! I can't stop buying them! (@Lee Tran Lam does this sound familiar?) When my work day is over I treat myself to making envelopes from scrap paper and decorating them with stamps. Sometimes this takes me to 4am when the sun is starting to come up and I can hear the newspaper delivery motorbike arrive. Oops!
d-bros seal sheet
I was at the Japan Immigration office in Shinagawa recently renewing my working holiday visa and Udagawa-san mentioned there was a great shop 'e-cute' inside the JR station. So I popped upstairs to 'e-cute' to find the d-bros stamp station!!! Oh My! They sell seals (that's stickers for us non Japanese type), various size envelopes, and other assorted paper products which you can have fun stamping away at the giant d-bros stamping station. They have a selection of simple designs such as dots, stripes and typography and also some cute sketch-like illustrations like the profile of the girl and puppy dog seen above. The pre-inked d-bros stamp station has both red and black stamps and they are constantly adding new stamps to the series. If you're planning a trip to Tokyo, and love stamps, then it might be worth a trip out to Shinagawa! It's a great way to pass the time if you're waiting for your Shinkansen too. Oh I wish I could go somewhere on a Shinkansen again soon...
Anyway, I made these seals! You can't really see in this pic, but it's a seal sheet which has many oval and scalloped edged shape seals which I'm so excited to use.
D-bros in Station image from D-bros website
Hope you're having a happy week Sandwiches.
I'm installing my works for the exhibition at Nidi Gallery tomorrow then I have the Hello Sandwich Handmade Notebook workshop at Shibaura House. Plus my friend from art school arrives for his holiday in Tokyo tomorrow morning. Exciting day!
What are you up to this week?
Love Love
Hello Sandwich