Kitazawa Details
The little things in Tokyo make me so happy. Seeing a man write kanji characters on a chalk board in the back of a truck on my morning walk. A tiffany blue neatly wound hose on my way home from the supermarket. Spotting some Japanese books someone has given away on the side of the street, neatly presented in an open cardboard box. Plastic planter pots taped up with tan coloured packaging tape. A teeny baby blue rubbish bin with pink ribbons tied on each handle, presumably for identification. Walking through my neighbourhood at 9am you will see obaachans sweeping up leaves from an already neat garden, and at 7pm you can smell the only-in-Japan smell of households taking their daily bath with distinctively Japanese smelling bath products. Here are a few detail shots from my walk around my little neighbourhood today.
Love Love
Hello Sandwich