D ♥ Y at Claska
It's a little sad that another fantastic D♥Y event is over. Remember the last event here?
What a wonderful weekend! Creative people, music workshops, ceramic workshops, calligraphy workshops, handmade pinball machines, delicious food + coffee + hot wine, lovely friends visiting and meeting some lovely Hello Sandwich readers!
Thank you so much Eguchi-san for inviting me! And thank you lovely Hiroko-san for all of your help and for translating for me!
The most lovely view from 8F Claska.
Takaiyama inc.
Super cute!
Kata Yuko and Kumajawa at Kigenzen.
Felt time capsule making workshop.
Hello Sandwich Gift Wrapping Craft Workshop action shot!
Setting up on the rooftop!
Delicious doughnuts!
If you weren't able to come along here is a little video walk around D♥Y if you'd like to take a virtual walk through the event.
And here is a little (ちょっとはずかしい) recorded stream from the beginning of my workshop.
There are also a few ustream recordings of my workshop here, here, here and here. And there are are lots of other workshop ustrem recordings here.
I can't wait until the next D♥Y!
Love Love
Thank you Miss Wong for some of these pics.