Keeping Warm in Tokyo
It seemed like only a few weeks ago the weather theme in LoFT was 'keeping cool'. I stocked up on Magicool neck scarfs and even bought one for Mama-sando's puppy Schnaupi! But all of a sudden LoFT has released a winter catalogue. Think plaid, warm slippers, hot water bottles and donabe.
(Speaking of donabe - how cute is the softbank donabe set!)
It's 8 degrees here in Tokyo today - but I'm not complaining. You see, that's the thing about winter in Tokyo, keeping warm is just so cute! There is enough well designed bath salt packaging to keep you warm with a different design for a couple of months! My lovely friend Yuming has taken the hard work out of selecting which bath salts are right for you over here.
And how adorable are these character heated hokkairo packs!
Um, in case they were not cute enough already, they're also scented! The ones above are strawberry and grapefruit. You can also place the heated packs in these sweet covers.
Now how could you be upset with the weather with a strawberry scented bear in your pocket?
Stay warm sandwiches!
Love Love