Tadaima! I have finished the TVC and am back in Tokyo now! weeee!
I finally got my iphone4 and have been going on an app downloading frenzy! You might notice I've downloaded a Holga app!
It's so hot here in Tokyo at the moment. So hot in fact, that my cheese melted on my plate before I had a chance to get it onto the toast! eeep! So rather than go outside today I've been unpacking my cute ceramics, doing lots of laundry, listening to Ua and planning what delicious Japanese dinner I can cook tonight. Ooooo it's good to be back!
Hope you are all well Sandwiches!
P.S. If you are in Tokyo, and fancy seeing some gorgeous art, pop over to Watarium to see Tam Ochiai, or Mogu Takahashi's exhibition at Galerie doux dimanche.